Job Creation Project

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This is Hand in Hand Zimbabwe’s flagship project and aims to improve sustainable household economic activities, of mostly women and youths, in targeted communities through a self-help approach. Through this project, Hand in Hand Zimbabwe commits to implement sustainable interventions that contribute to the attainment of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

1 – No Poverty;

2 – Zero Hunger;

5 – Gender Equality;

6 – Clean Water and Sanitation;

8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth;

13 – Climate Action, and

17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

Specific programme outcomes include the establishment or enhancement of viable enterprises in targeted communities and enhanced involvement of women and youths in economic activities. The programme deliberately targets at least 80% women and 20% men in seven (7) districts of operation namely; Bulilima, Chikomba, Chirumanzu, Gwanda, Lupane, Nkayi and Shurugwi. The SHG members are taught to practice the Internal Savings and Lending (ISAL) scheme, which involves members saving some money on a monthly basis depending on resources at their disposal. The aim is for the SHG members to have a group common fund where they can access internal loans to start or enhance their enterprises thereby creating employment for themselves.

The beneficiaries are trained on six (6) Hand in Hand business development modules namely SHG Strengthening, Manage Money, Opportunity Identification and Enterprises Planning, Marketing, Manage Enterprise Finance and Credit Management. Besides the modular trainings, the SHG members receive tailor-made technical skills trainings offered in partnership with various Government Ministries. The Jobs Creation Programme has an annual target of mobilizing 168 SHGs, 1 176 SHG members and creating 1 176 individual enterprises and jobs. Members receive graduation certificates upon completion six-month modular training.