Felix Tete is a the founding CEO for Hand in Hand Zimbabwe having worked as a Country Director for Hand in Hand Southern Africa (in Zimbabwe). He is a holder of double Masters Degrees viz MComm in Strategic Management and Corporate Governance with Midlands State University and an MSc in Environmental Management with University of London and a Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation Methods obtained at Stellenbosch University. Felix is a dynamic development practitioner who parades and possesses unparalleled 27 years of experience and high proficiency levels in agricultural and livelihoods policy formulation and implementation; implementation and management of sustainable livelihoods interventions in Zimbabwe and within the sub region focusing on crops and livestock interventions honed working on assignments with Heifer Project International (HPI), Plan International (in partnership with HPI), Small Livestock Promotion Programme in Malawi and Environment Africa among other organizations; designing and conducting evaluations as a Team Leader or Associate having been an M&E Specialist and or Advisor on several positions and assignments in agriculture, food security and livelihoods funded by such donors as the EU and USAID.
He has also honed expertise and experience in designing, planning, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and learning facilitation (DPMEL); designing, planning and conducting Knowledge-Attitudes-Practices and Beliefs Surveys (KAPB), a study that complements vulnerability assessments. (WOCAN); designing, planning, conducting and monitoring of Participatory Vulnerability Assessments (PVA) within rural and urban set ups and gender analysis and mainstreaming having been a gender focal person in Zimbabwe for Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. He has indelible experience working in agriculture and agricultural research and extension systems, food security and livelihoods assignments and projects supported by such donors as USAID, EU, FAO, UNDP and NGO sector in Zimbabwe and the sub-Saharan region. Felix is a professional who is ethical and whose professionalism is premised on integrity, excellent communication skills, teamwork, analytical and lateral thinking high quality and accountability. Felix is conversant with several major donor regulations including USAID, USDA, DFID, EU, DANIDA and SIDA.
Master of Science. Secretary General Hand in Hand Sweden. Former diplomat at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs with positions in Stockholm and at Swedish Embassies. Former Managing Director at Swedish Postcode lottery. Former Communications and advocacy consultant at Prime PR and Miltton Labs. Various positions in Swedish private sector.
Paul Zakariya
Rudo has over fifteen years of business and legal experience consulting in both the private and development sectors as a legal advisor and an enterprise development consultant specialising in strategy. She is a practitioner-researcher with an interest in enterprise innovation, intellectual property, and human-centred-design. She founded Stimulus Africa, an enterprise development, research and design institute in Harare, Zimbabwe and operating across Southern Africa. Her work through Stimulus Africa is focused on driving innovation, human centred design research sustainable growth strategies and the growth of the creative economy. Rudo is a registered legal practitioner practising as a Partner at V.S. Nyangulu & Associates, Legal Practitioners based in Harare, Zimbabwe