Green Enterprises Project

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Green Enterprises Project

The project seeks to achieve improved sustainable economic activities and strengthened resilience to climate change for the resource-constrained – particularly women and young people. This goal will be achieved through climate-smart agriculture (irrigated horticulture) and bee-keeping, which are part and parcel of climate change adaptive strategies. By its very nature the project targets to benefit 80% women and 20% men in Gwanda. The project also targets to benefit at least 30% youth of the targeted population as taking on board women and youths in economic activities has proved to enhance their participation in decision-making at household and community level, subsequently reducing their vulnerability to all forms of abuse.

By August 2021, the project is expected to establish at least 300 individual and 30 group enterprises that are adaptive and/or mitigate climate change shocks, improve climate change resilience of the enterprise and increase the entrepreneurs’ income generation. The project is expected to create green jobs for the communities.