Environment and Climate Change

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Environment and Climate Change

Our environment is important because it provides the basis for all life. Livestock from livestock enterprises supported by Hand in Hand also depend on the environment. A healthy and robust environment is a prerequisite for healthy people and healthy livestock. For example, the condition of the soil has a direct bearing on food security because it determines productivity and production levels. Most communal areas have poor soils and farmers are encouraged to use organic manure. But for those families without livestock, access to organic manure is a huge challenge. The current situation is that most rivers and dams are silted due to poor land management practices such as stream-bank cultivation, ploughing along slopes and uncontrolled veldt fires.

Hand in Hand Zimbabwe is implementing climate smart interventions that include use of green energy to water market and nutritional gardens, crop-trees-livestock interventions, aquaculture, orchard establishment, establishment of fodder banks that also serve as carbon sinks, rangeland management for improved pastures, tree nursery establishment, bee keeping, use of green energy powered incubators and promotion of small grains for livestock farmers. The organization has partnered with Forestry Commission to promote planting exotic and indigenous trees at National Tree Planting Days that are commemorated every first Saturday of December yearly and offering of tree planting and care training for small holder farmers. On the same note, the organization partners with Environmental Management Agency (EMA) to raise environmental awareness with communities.

Projects Under Theme

Green Enterprises

Community Upliftment