Patience Chigariro

“I struggled with low earnings to successfully expand my business but Hand in Hand  Zimbabwe helped me, through access to financial support and trainings.

I’m  Patience Chigariro (39) an  entrepreneur  from Jonga Business Centre in Shurugwi Rural District. I have three children – a daughter aged 18, and two sons aged 14 and 8. Patience was initially working in various informal jobs within her community, earning

In 2017, l joined a Hand in Hand Zimbabwe ‘s Self-Help Group (SHG) named Later Rain. Through this group, l received training in six modules on business management which prompted me to start my   own small salon business .At first ,l had fewer clients and this made my business struggle .I was working alone and had no employees .

In 2023 July ,l received a loan under the accelerator project.I utilized the loan to open another salon shop in the business center, hence employing two more workers.

Through determination, hard work, and leveraging the opportunities presented by the SHG, Patience Chigariro was able to elevate her income and enhance her family’s living conditions. The journey from struggling with low earnings to successfully expanding her business highlights the positive impact of access to financial support and training on individuals striving for economic empowerment.

The positive changes in the Patience’s life have also had a ripple effect on her household dynamics. The decrease in arguments and fighting within the home further signifies a more harmonious environment. Her husband’s newfound respect for her demonstrates a shift towards equality and mutual regard within their relationship.

Looking ahead, l  envision opening a salon in Shurugwi town, catering to male customers and offering barber services. Also my  goal is to employ 20-30 individuals across all my salons. Additionally, l aim to expand my business by establishing a chain of shops/salons in Harare. Furthermore, l desire to mentor and train young women to become successful entrepreneurs